Drivetime isochrone generation in RW Net 2

Generating large and detailed drivetime isochrones has always been a RAM demanding process in RW Net 2. As part of looking closer at supporting Win64 (using FreePascal compiler), we had to update certain parts of the source code, using pointers. This also made us test various settings for the memory allocation routine. This gave us a ~10-15% improvement in both speed and memory use on win32 platform. But when compiling for Win64 we don’t see quite the same improvement, since the same pointers now require 8 bytes, instead of 4 bytes.

All in all we can now calculate larger isochrones on true Win64 with 8 GB RAM than with Win32 applications on the same pc. But not that much bigger.

If you have a maintained license for RW Net 2 and want to test it with FreePascal, drop us a line.

When the isochrone generation gets implemented in RW Net 4, we shall of course reuse these results and possibly improve them further (we still have ideas for improvements….)

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